
3:33 PM

Welcome! About a month ago, my husband asked me if I had ever heard of Blue Apron, a sort of meal-delivery service. I had not, but I was immediately intrigued.

Blue Apron, Plated, Hello Fresh, and others are a service that ships everything you need to make a meal, without leaving your house. They take the guesswork out of, "What's for dinner"? You can't beat that! I'm in! I started Googling and to my amazement, found that there are several companies that do this. Some are more pricey than others. Which to choose?

Throughout my research, it appears that all of the companies offer the same thing: some sort of discount if you try out a box or two, and the ability to put your subscription on hold indefinitely. We initially signed up for Plated, but then I realized, why not try them all? Why not take advantage of all of the coupons? If this service is something we are truly considering for the long-term, why not figure out which company is best?

And thus, the idea for this blog was born. Here I will unbox, review, scrutinize, prepare, enjoy, and hopefully not destroy the meals that are sent to us. I can't wait to get started!

Here's an overview of who we are: My husband and I both are ~30 years old. We do not have any children, so when we do cook we're eating leftovers for days. We are both lazy people who would rather pick up fast food than try to plan a week of meals. When it comes time to go to the grocery, one of us will usually ask the other, "What's for dinner this week?" hoping the other will have an idea. Neither one of us loves to cook, it's a chore. We're both going into this hoping that the convenience and excitement of having it delivered might make cooking fun.

One thing I've already noticed is that it's a lot easier picking three meal options from a handful of choices than it is to pick two meals from a cookbook of endless possibilities.

Let's begin!

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