Final Thoughts: Home Chef

1:55 PM

$4.95/serving for some breakfast items

Best Feature: By far, my favorite thing about Home Chef is their recipe selection. They have the biggest (13+ choices) and best-looking menu of the meal delivery world. Their recipes are familiar, don't appear too complicated, and contain ingredients that are recognizable. I also LOVE that they offer breakfast items as well. I have not seen this from any other companies (so far). 

Their recipe cards are also my favorite. They fill up the front and back of a full-size piece of cardstock. They fit nicely in a page protector without any additional trimming needed.

They have 

Worst Feature: The only tiny thing I could complain about would be that they sent one huge mozzarella ball instead of several tiny balls. I wouldn't even bring this up, except something similar happened in my second Home Chef box (stay tuned!). I had another recipe that called for one bouillon cube and they sent two. Had I not been paying attention to the recipe itself as closely, I may have used both cubes. That being said, maybe those two were considered half cubes? I'm not sure. 

Finally, my second box had a step that said to boil the potatoes until soft. Usually, this would be followed by a time suggestion. Not a huge deal, but I did have a "Uh... Home Chef? You think I have any experience with how long potatoes are supposed to boil?" moment. 

Coupon Code: If you are interested in trying out Home Chef, click here to receive $30 off of your first box!

Home Chef's menu is so appealing that I chose to forgo a new company's box and chose a second week of Home Chef meals. Unless somebody can really step up, I think this will be the company we stick with. 

Here's a visual reminder of what I made from Home Chef:

Truffled mushroom risotto with truffle oil, chives, and white wine:

Parisian bistro steak with potatoes dauphinoise and green beans:

French-cut chicken breast with mozzarella, pesto, and balsamic reduction caprese salad:

And if you're still not sure, check out some upcoming recipe options from Home Chef:

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